Adaptability is a key characteristic of any salesperson. Being able to handle a situation that may not have gone exactly as you would have hoped is essential, especially due to the unpredictability that can occur during a sales call or meeting. Being able to think on your feet and communicate effectively with clients or prospects is the hallmark of a great salesman.

From our discussion with Blaine Hurst today, he made it quite apparent that effective communication and story telling are some traits that differentiate you as a salesperson, in a very good way. I also found it very interesting that being able to adapt and communicate is one of the greatest transferable skills that a person can have. Based on Blaine’s example, he originally wanted to work with music and theatre, but then pivoted to computer science. One might think that these two fields of study might not necessarily lend well to business, but apparently they were immensely helpful. The underlying theme seems to be that he was able to adapt and excel at not only different tasks, but completely different jobs. I think that he did this through his ability to communicate well and relate to others.

These are skills that if cultivated can help a person succeed in just about any field that they pursue. I think that is why it is so important to be able to adapt well to situations that might not be optimal, because in reality things don’t exactly go as you plan more often than not. Overall, flexibility and interpersonal skills are crucial in becoming an excellent salesperson.

One thought on “Adaptability in Sales”
  1. Great Explanation. I feel the same way about communication and that if you cannot articulate what you mean and connect with whoever you are speaking with you will have a hard time accomplishing really anything in life.

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