You will get negative reviews on your sales tactics in the sales world. What matters is how you respond to negative feedback. This might include changing your sales tactics or adapting your product. Regardless, it is important to take the criticisms well and figure out how you can do better. In my personal experience with sports, you have to be “coachable” and the same thing applies for sales. What “coachable” means is that you have to learn to take advice and become a better athlete or in this case, a salesperson. If you believe you have mastered sales conversations, you haven’t and probably won’t ever. As long as you can fix and adapt to what your customers are telling you, then you can’t go wrong. I feel like even if the sale doesn’t go your way, looking back and taking some things away that you know you could do better on, is just as important. It is also not a bad thing to seek out feedback as well. Most customers or prospects will be willing to give you advice if you ask them. Also, asking for feedback in the first place is a good thing because it shows you want to get better at your work and most people respect that. Once you receive that feedback, whether good or bad, it is important to make the necessary changes as well. Switching up your sales expressions and keeping doing the things that are going well, are crucial to growing in your sales talks. Regardless if you close the sale or not, learning from what you did right or wrong is what adapting to feedback is all about. I feel like customers will also come to respect you more which can lead to better relationships and possibly to other prospects. Always make sure to listen to what the customer has to say so you can become a better salesman and a better person.

3 thoughts on “Adapting to Feedback – Blog Post #10”
  1. Hey Mike, this is a very good blog post. Listening to the feedback of customers and changing what you do based on their constructive feedback is very important for a lucrative career in sales or in any career really.

  2. Great post Mike! I think being coachable can be very beneficial in all aspects of life and not just in sales. I definitely think that looking at feedback is great and can help a salesman grow.

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