In our recent class discussion, we were talking about introverts vs. extroverts and how people that are in the middle tend to succeed in a sales setting the most. This is because ambiverts are more prone to adapt to the potential client and general conversations. When we go in for discussing salaries, client meetings, and team meetings, reading the room can be one of the most beneficial skills to adhere to. It’s easy to provide the same energy for every situation we’ll find ourselves in, but mimicking the person we’re talking to can be more beneficial. This will make it easier to find the other persons perspective which allows us to gain a better trust.

4 thoughts on “Adapting To Your Surroundings”
  1. I agree with what you said about being ambivert. Being able to adapt to any setting is important because nothing in this world remains the same, changes will come and knowing how to pivot, adapt, and be better to new surroundings can be a skill that takes us really far!!

  2. I agree great job explaining how to adapt to the energy of your client and when you match their energy it will increase your success rate.

  3. Yes James, you hit the nail on the head with this one. Being able to take on the persona of an ambivert is key in sales. Sometimes extraversion will lead to closing sales and sometimes it is the opposite. Being able to adapt based on the situation is crucial.

  4. James, this post was really well done. Adapting to your surroundings and being able to handle any situation is so crucial in life, and it is even more important in a sales conversation. Playing off of the person that you are selling to is a really great tactic to stay on the same page and have a productive sales conversation. Great post.

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