In this blog post, I am going to go through an adaptive selling tip that my brother was showing me. My brother (Jake Guidas) works in sales for a company called Skyflow. Without going into a ton of details, Skyflow is a data privacy and security company that provides solutions to protect sensitive information. Skyflow helps companies manage and share data securely.

Since my brother works from home, I shadow him sometimes and learn some things. One day, he was doing some calls and let me dial on up. When the person answered I came on strong with a loud, clear, and “excited to sell” voice. My brother, who was right next to me, gave me a hand signal to chill out and mellow down my voice. When I did that, I realized that the person who I was on the phone with was much more engaged and responsive to my questions. The call ended up going well once the tone in which I spoke to the person changed.

What I learned during this experience was a form of adaptive selling. My brother taught me that it is critical to match the tone of your voice with that of the potential customer. This makes them feel much more comfortable and compliant. Not every person that you are going to sell to is like you. What would work to sell you, may not work to sell another person. So, being able to adapt something as little as your tone of voice can make all the difference. We are more likely to trust people that are similar to us.

From this small experience, I learned a crucial selling skill that I will never forget.

One thought on “Adaptive Selling Personal Experience – Blog Post #3”
  1. Hey Nick, great post man! Matching with people’s tones and being able to adapt to the situation is major. Doing the same thing for every call/meeting will also be draining for the salesperson as well. Everyone is different, so we need to treat them that way.

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