The Ambivert Advantage

  • Conventional wisdom:
    • There are several studies that show that extroverts are natural salespeople when it relates to reaching out and not being afraid of selling something to someone. Good salespeople are naturally outgoing and their ability to connect with others yields more leads and better sales volume.  The notion that extroverts are the finest salespeople is so obvious that we have overlooked one flaw. The difference between extroverts and introverts is minuscule. Ambiverts, by contrast, outsold both extremes. The Danger with Extroverts is that may talk too much or listen too little; may struggle with the balance of assertiveness and restraint. While the danger with introverts may be too shy to initiate, and too timid to close. The best approach for extremes is to emulate those in the center. Extraverts are geared to respond while Introverts are geared to inspect.
    • All sales requires a balance of inspecting and responding. Ambiverts typically find this balance easily, “They know when to speak up, and know when to shut up” It puts us all in a great position to sell. 

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