Social media has a huge influence in todays culture. The one thing about apps like Instagram, twitter and Facebook is that you can find out a lot of information about the person you are searching for just by looking through their profile. What they do on the weekends, political views, hobbies, relationship status and more. This is very concerning, especially in the sales world because if you have something out on online, there is a potential distrust that happens through this. This is very important that people are careful about what they send to people or post on social media because some way or the other, the information or picture is going to be seen by future workers, business partners and customers.

This is not to say that these apps are not useful in some ways. In some cases these apps can help promote business and keep connections with friends from all over the world. A lot of business can grow their brand through marketing on Instagram and Facebook, and a lot of customers are able to view and see their content. However, it is still very important to keep in mind of what you post and what your virtual life looks like. As the use of social media increases and changes day to day, the courts are also keeping up with how they keep a balance between the privacy and freedom of the individual and what they are allowed to post on their account. The business themselves are responsible for their employees by having contracts that include what they expect from their employees and how they should go about keeping all of the content on their social media clean and respectful.

Unfortunately I have seen this happen with some of my friends where they want to be funny or fit in by posting pictures of them at parties and then a company does not hire them based off of their immature social media content.


3 thoughts on “Affects of Social Media in Sales”
  1. David, this is a good post and is very relevant in society today. Overall, I think it would be very interesting to see what effect social media has had on the strategies of both sales people and the companies they work for. I’m sure there are both positive effect and negative effect of social media that are felt by sales people.

  2. This is an interesting topic in regards to the business world today. Social media is certainly useful for companies to use for marketing online and selling their image, and its even beneficial for individuals trying to sell themselves on platforms such as LinkedIn. However, as you mentioned, people so often neglect the fact that their media posts and comments can and often are seen by employers, and the importance of keeping your social media professional.

  3. I work at Timbercreek tap and table and recently this became an issue. Every employee carries the Timber creek name but one of the employees didn’t think that through before bashing a costumer with her uniform on. She was fired the next day when the owner saw the popular tiktok. This is a dangerous line to not cross when you are working for a business.

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