As an aspiring salesman, I have been looking for ways that I could practice some of the sales techniques we have been learning in class. I wasn’t sure where to go for this because I didn’t necessarily have a product, service, or potential prospect that I could try things out. I then had an idea, one I hoped might actually work. Use ChatGPT to have a hypothetical sales conversation, I was new to using ChatGPT and understanding AI. However, I thought it might be fun to test it out and push artificial intelligence to give me some resistance in selling.

I asked it if we could have a conversation about a hypothetical sales conversation, and it agreed and immediately launched into questions about my fake business about electrician services. Immediately, I recognized that I needed to answer the AI’s questions while also making inquiries of my own to keep the conversation moving toward a potential decision to buy. This is where the lesson appeared to me: the questions that we ask prospects are the most important piece to moving a sales conversation forward and for information gathering. However, the salesman cannot side-step answering questions that are important to a prospect or that are simply necessary for the prospect to make a decision.

So, when practicing asking questions and having conversations with prospects, make sure to give realistic and concise answers to legitimate questions.

3 thoughts on “AI Taught Me a lesson in Sales?”
  1. I’m nit a huge fan of AI but I am glad that you had found something useful from it. That is very true about asking good questions. If we as salespeople as “lame” questions, we are not going to get a good quality answer back. We will get less information than we want.

  2. With the huge increase in AI technology over the past years, using it for your own good is a great way to get help and practice sales conversations. It will give you the experience of an actual sales conversation, just without an actual person to have a conversation with. The questions you ask are certainly the most important aspect in a sales conversation, and you need to ask good questions in order to get good answers.

  3. That’s such a cool idea to use AI. It is so interesting and fascinating that AI could simulate a real conversation like that. And you were able to learn great lessons from it about how to answer a prospect’s questions but then still have control of the conversation.

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