
Amazon’s Empty Chair Principle:

    • The purpose of the empty chair principle is to think more about the customer. To find ways to exit your own perspective and enter that of your own prospect. This thought process originally started at Sears and is something that the website giant Amazon has adopted. 
    • This is something that should be adopted by companies around the world. If you can figure out the pain of your customers and what exactly they want/need then you will increase your business.
    • Companies that fail to do this will struggle to meet the expectations and the needs of their customers.
One thought on “Amazon’s Empty Chair Principle”
  1. I personally love Amazon’s idea of the empty chair principle. It keeps the focus on the customer’s wants and needs, and helps the company to envision how to better meet those needs. No matter what the business is, I believe this would be a useful technique for all companies to use.

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