Many people would assume that extroverts are the best salesmen, because of their ability to talk to people that they do not know. Conversely, introverts are assumed to be the worst because of their shyness and unwillingness to enter into conversation with people that they have never met. Both of these assumptions are wrong though.

It turns out neither of them is the best, there is a third option. This is, in fact, ambiverts. Ambiverts is the happy medium between extroverts and introverts. It turns out that they are, overall, the best salesmen. This is because extroverts and introverts have inherent problems that make it tougher for them to make sales.

Extroverts very often end up talking too much. Since they are outgoing, they love to talk and share information with the customers. This leads to multiple problems. Not only does this end in the extroverts sharing too much information, it very often leads to the customers being completely overwhelmed. They do not get enough time to talk and so become disinterested.

Introverts are the opposite. They do not talk enough, and the customer ends up dominating the conversation and in the end, they still do not buy and become disinterested.

This is why ambiverts are the best at sales. First, they can be taught to talk just the right amount, which will do enough to keep the customer interested, but not letting them dominate the conversation. Not only that but they can relate to all the customers the best.

Ambiverts are the best salesmen and hold big advantages over both introverts and extroverts.

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