For a long time, extroverts have been thought to be better salespersons due to their natural social tendencies and outgoing personalities. On the surface, you can easily see how these traits could aid someone in selling. Recently though it has been realized that talking nonstop isn’t exactly the best way to approach a potential customer. On the other hand, there are introverts. Introverts are much more contemplated and do not say everything they think. Because of this, they make great listeners in conversations and usually provide interesting insight. Unfortunately because of their natural tendency to contemplate internally, they are not usually the best salesperson.  This is not to say that neither introverts nor extroverts can be amazing salespersons but, based on commonly shared attributes, they both have downfalls.

In comes the new concept of the ambivert. This is someone who lives in the gray area between the two. The idea of an ambivert is someone who gains energy from both themselves and others. In turn, they are also great talkers and listeners. This ideal balance is needed when selling products. The ability to ask questions, genuinely care and constructively process that information is crucial. Just as much as the ability to start to sell your product and adapt based on feedback from your potential customer. Balancing engaging your customer, whoever they are, and listening to their feedback is key to being a great salesperson. This combo potentially comes much easier to ambiverts. Now, most ambiverts still sway more towards introverted or extroverted, but that ability to switch between the two is what makes someone an ambivert. This new realization is one of the many innovations and discoveries of the sales world. Learn more by taking Professor Timothy Sweeeeeeeeet’s Sales for a Startup class.

By Tessa

One thought on “ambivert”
  1. Ambiverts have a special ability to play to both kinds of clients. When they are dealing with an extrovert, they know how to be outgoing and create a high-energy interaction that will leave the client feeling great. When they are dealing with an introvert, they know how to be engaging without overwhelming. This is a huge asset, because being an ambivert means having a natural ability to speak everyones langauge.

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