Image result for salesman  A few weeks ago, I got a random message on Facebook from a girl that I went to elementary school with. We chatted for a little bit about what we’re up to career wise and what we were interested in in terms of businesses and stuff like that. I knew that she was selling some sort of smoothie powder or something of the like, but I kind of just wanted to see where she would go with it. I had mentioned that I was into social entrepreneurship and liked businesses that were rooted in communities. She then proceeded to send me a couple of videos of the brand that she was working for, claiming that she had found the perfect thing for me. The videos were interesting and did vaguely relate to what I was saying, but I really don’t have time or actually desire to commit to it as a job. She then kept asking me if I would be interesting in selling the product that she was selling. I wasn’t. I told her that. But then she kept messaging me, “but if you really wanted to seize you financial future, you could”, she would say. After a few back and forths, I finally gave up and stopped responding.

I don’t think that her intentions were bad, but after being in this sales class I am clearly able to see what she did wrong. She knew that I was interested in business, but rather than finding out if I wanted to sell stuff, she jumped the gun and tried to close the sale with there being no interest on my end. Right now, I probably wouldn’t consider it a career option after I graduate because of my poor experience. But had she understood that I didn’t have time and stopped pushing, maybe the door would still be open and maybe it would work out in a few years. It is incredibly crucial in sales to listen to what your customer wants, and not to approach each interaction with “happy ears”, hearing what you want, but not what is being said.

One thought on “An Analysis of a Bad Sales Experience”
  1. Great point! It’s so easy, especially when desperate, to want to squeeze everything out of each prospect. But, as you mentioned, this could easily keep you from becoming a customer down the road. Sometime we just need to shut up and walk away!

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