When you join a sales force in most companies they will have a quota that you must hit monthly to be able to stay with that company, for example Coach DiDonato’s company when he worked in medical sales had the quota of 20/5/5 and he met that every month with a simple plan that worked for him.

  1.  Create a long-term plan: For this section you should not just focus on your month to month plan but your plan for a larger section which should be around an entire year, if you map out how you will perform that year and then work backward into each month, it will help you significantly in achieving the goal you set for yourself at the end of that year.
  2. Prospect:  You should be prospecting clients for your next deals as much you do at the start of the month also at the end of the months, don’t focus on deals that were already made, find new ones to make.
  3. Create Authentic Urgency:  Make it a normal thing to try to find and close deals at the start and end of the month so you are not rushed at the end of the month when it is crunch time for all of your office to try and meet your quota.
  4. Reset Discount Expectations:  If your potential prospect is holding out until you offer them a late price cut you must try to reset their expectations, meaning you should never lie to your prospects, but you should try to convince them that you are very limited with discounts and that you are not always able to give them out without making your prospect feel like they are not as important as prospects that get the discounts.
  5. Prioritize Your Time:  This might be the most important one, because at these types of companies you are not on any type of time schedule to make you work in most cases, you are on your own so you have to make sure that you are taking full advantage of the time you are given at work and also know when to tell a prospect who is still thinking to call you when they are closer to their decision with the final questions to close that deal.
One thought on “An Easy 5 Step Process to Hit Your Sales Quota”
  1. You make a great point about planning months if not a year in advance. Setting long term goals can help a salesperson stay on track. Great post!

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