there is a huge shift in selling away from “telling”. people approach sales like a class in a subject that they don’t care about. they sit their politely waiting for it to be over, so life can continue. eventually the information is available outside of the classroom and no one longer goes and the sales process begins to break down.

I believe the best strategy for todays modern salesman is LISTENING. people are always willing to talk about themselves, in fact most people prefer to. being a good listener establishes a relationship in the early stages of the conversation. just by talking about themselves people give up crucial information that a smart salesman can use to eventually continue the sales process.

great salesman can read the situation, gather information, and then share a helpful solution which may or may not be his sale. this model is very similar to improvisation we discussed in class. the individual hears the offer, make his partner look good, and then serve. one model we looked at specifically in class was the SEEK, SENSE, SHARE model. this instructs salesman to seek out key questions to get the person talking, sensing the real problem they want addressed and the sharing a potential solution.

finally sales isn’t always about selling. even when you might not be able to close the sale, still work to consult that person based on the information you’ve gathered.

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