Today in class we discussed the sales person who answers question that were not asked and why this occurs and how the buyers reacts to this.  When this happens it goes from answering questions and clarifying to an over focus on making deals.  As a buyer, this becomes an annoyance and you begin to lose the interest of the buyer.  It becomes over talking and takes attention away from the original question and any potential interest the buyer had may be diminished.

When we were discussing this in class it reminded me of how I am guilty of doing that in interviews, because I think I have an issue with getting so caught up in selling myself that I am afraid if I don’t just share information that could maybe tie into the question asked then they will never know.  Not that this can be completely wrong in an interview setting, but I do think it is important to recognize this issue within myself and be aware of how I am answering questions. In an interview setting, some questions are asked so that the interviewer can see how we answer a prying question and hear how we talk and carry ourselves, but sometimes I am guilty of doing this for questions that maybe are not intended to be answered in a lengthy manner. The point that these long winded, answered unasked questions can lead to confusion for the buyer or in my example of the interviewer, I think that plays a lot of truth and so does losing the interviewers interest by doing this.  If you think of the interviewer and how they more than likely have already or will be in the near future interviewing other candidates, the more you may be chattering on and not answering a question,  the easier it will be for them to be ready to write you off and be done with your interview.

All in all the over talking, information blabbing, sales people can drive buyers away and leave them with a bad taste in their mouth, the last thing one wants to do is to do this in an interview or sales situation when a lot is at stake.

One thought on “Answering the Unasked”
  1. I try to tailor my replies to the vibe I get from them. I answer some people lengthy and some short. I do my best to read the person and try to understand what best they are looking for. It’s hard because each person varies and what they are looking for can be very subjective.

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