I have spent the past semester shopping for an apartment in the greater Pittsburgh area. I ran into many good and bad sales people. I also ran into very good and bad sales pitches. I think one of the worst experiences was with a salesman in Shadyside. I told him my preferences and he chose a few locations to show me. While the preferences were not in depth I had hoped he gathered the priorities I had when looking for a future home. To say he did not was an understatement. It seemed that everything I wanted he showed me something different. “I want a two bedroom.” He showed me a 1 bedroom. “I want non street parking options or at least a non busy street to park on.” He took me to the busiest street with no parking lot. It just was not going my way, or his for that matter. After the appointment I looked back on their site and he had shown me every apartment that had been sitting on the market for at least 6 months, which in Shadyside is bad news. I realize selling to the individual is much more effective than selling your product.

2 thoughts on “Apartment Hunters”
  1. That’s a really good point. It can be so frustrating when you realize they aren’t even listening. Buying a home is so important, so he should have taken you more seriously.

  2. I am sorry you had to endure such pain to show an example of frustrating sales people. This really illustrates the fact that, as a salesperson, you need to listen to your customers pain! Also, good luck on apartment shopping!

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