Some large companies have very specific training techniques that every customer service employee is trained in. For Apple, it’s a five-step process called the Apple “steps of service”. Apple didn’t invent the steps of service, the Ritz-Carlton did, however the original technique used three steps while apple uses five. When serving customers in Apple stores, employees are told to follow Apple’s “secret sauce” to ensure a sale either immediately or eventually happens.

Approach customers with a personalized, warm welcome.

Probe politely to understand all the customer’s needs.

Present a solution for the customer to take home today.

Listen for and resolve any issues or concerns.

End with a fond farewell and an invitation to return.

You’ll notice the steps spell out “Apple”, this is done to make the steps easier to memorize for employees. While these steps are not guaranteed to be followed perfectly by every employee, Apple has enough employees that can walk through the steps that almost every visit to an Apple store is going to be a positive experience where your needs will be assessed, and a solution will be presented, all in a friendly manor.

2 thoughts on “Apple’s “Steps of Service””
  1. Hi Oliver, I enjoyed reading your post. I think it’s neat how Apple has an acronym called “Apple” that directly relates to sales. I’d also say that their acronym is effective in teaching their employees how to sell properly. When I’ve gone to Apple stores in the past, the employees have been very customer-friendly.

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