After spending some time in my sales in the startup class, I have noticed lots of similarities between the interview process to be admitted into a college and the Sandler Submarine. Like in the techniques and strategies we have learned in class, a college interviewee asks lots of questions, and really digs to find out more about the student that is sitting in front of them.

A good example of this is my own interview at Grove City college. I had never interviewed at a college before, so I had no idea what to expect. My dad drove me all the way up to Grove City’s campus in the winter, during one of the coldest times of the year. As we walked into Crawford, we were welcomed by the admissions staff with warm smiles and delicious treats. We waited for my interviewer to finish up with her lunch break, and when she got done, she immediately introduced herself and started talking. The interview process did not go the way I expected at all, I though we were going to be going over exact questions about my personality, but instead the interview felt more like a conversation. Looking back on it now, I can realize that my interviewer was actually interviewing me in a different way, conversing with me to really dig for the heart and root of my answers. Well, I can tell you that it worked, because our interview went on for forever, maybe 1 to 2 hours long.

Putting the pieces together, I can now see that the interviewer used the techniques that we learned in class on me, whether she meant to or not. I can see now that conversation with intent can lead to so much learning, especially when rich questions are asked, stimulating an even richer conversation. But hey, I am thankful for it because it got me into a great college!

One thought on “Applying to College”
  1. I had a similar experience in my interview at the Admissions Office. Looking back on it, the admissions staff did an excellent job of finding out what really mattered to me and telling me about it. They didn’t push information on me that I didn’t care about. I’m glad to hear it was a positive experience for you too!

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