In class, we discussed rule #8 by Sandler which was “when prospecting, go for the appointment”. I was told something similar when I worked for Cutco. Obviously, the sale is important because that’s how you get paid, but in order to get the sale you need an appointment. My managers and coworkers stressed the importance of scheduling as many appointments as possible because realistically, you will not make a sale on every single appointment. For new salesmen, they estimated that around 50% of our appointments would result in a sale. To stress the importance of scheduling as many appointments as possible, they would explain that if you are going to sell on half of all the appointments, would you rather do 100 appointments or 2? I also really like the importance of when calling a potential customer to set up an appointment it was crucial to us that we keep the talk brief. That way if they are truly interested in hearing what you have to say or potentially buying your product they will agree to an appointment. And if you can get the potential customer to an appointment, the hard work has already been done.

One thought on “Appointments”
  1. Its great how you highlight the importance of scheduling appointments in the sales process, as emphasized by Sandler’s rule #8 and the author’s experience at Cutco. The author’s managers and coworkers stressed that the more appointments scheduled, the greater the likelihood of making sales, and used the example of the 50% success rate to illustrate this point. Additionally, the author mentions the importance of keeping the initial call brief, as it helps to determine the potential customer’s interest in the product. Overall, this essay emphasizes the importance of getting potential customers to agree to appointments, as it is a crucial step towards making sales.

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