Sales is all about asking open ended questions. But why is it so hard to come up with questions that are open ended and help you to dig deeper into knowing the customer and their needs without making it seem like you are forcing information out of them? This is the struggle of all sales people. Learning how to find the right questions and keep on your toes with wherever the customer may take it.

I have been thinking about this a lot recently not just on a sales level but even just getting to know new people. Often times it takes a lot of work to talk to a quieter person that you don’t know just to understand them better. You must put in the thought and really know what the best open ended questions you can find would be. I know that I personally struggle with asking open ended questions rather than closed in ones. I get a good one or two at the beginning of the conversation but if it starts to fail you need some way to recover. That is why sales is often thought of as a very hard thing to do and many people think that they aren’t the right personality. But even as a very outgoing and personable person myself I still think I would need to learn the correct technique for selling or use a good sales funnel.

What I am trying to get at is that many people don’t know how to ask the right questions for sales. Also, a lot of times its not just about the questions you use or the personality you have but the technique that takes time and practice to get through.

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