When selling, asking questions is extremely important. However, if you ask too many and jump to conclusions you can do the opposite of what you intended and sway the buyer away. There have been many of times where I have walked into a store and I was asked too many questions all at once. Because of this it caused me to make an excuse and walk away.

If you ask the correct questions though and have that balance of listening and asking you could be successful in nailing the sale. If you do not ask the right questions or any questions at all you may run into some issues. Some of these issues may be that you do not get to the core issue(s), not developing a connection to the main pain(s), you are not thinking about the persons current needs, may confuse customer or person you are selling to and you might be delaying the persons decision to buy.

When you make the decision to start asking questions to remember to not be formulating your questions as your customer is speaking. It is important to be fully engaged with the person and give them their full attention. If you do mentally formulate questions as the person is talking you also run the risk of missing important information the speaker could be giving you. Lastly it is important to make sure that when you do ask questions, that you are not the main one talking but listening. Using these tips will help you to be a more successful salesperson.

white markee light

One thought on “Asking Questions And What You Might Miss If You Don’t”
  1. I definitely love the angle you took of asking questions and how important it is, but I don’t think many people think about the point you made. Asking too many questions back to back to back is an extremely bad thing and can overwhelm the prospect. Questions that are asked need to feel like a conversation, not a sales pitch or a show and tell conversation.

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