I really enjoyed hearing our guest speaker Dan talk last week. He made a lot of great points that can be used beyond sales. I personally liked his take on how important attitude is in sales. Our attitudes can single handedly be what makes or breaks a sale. It can be success or failure. If one’s mindset is not focused on making a successful sale and enjoying what they are doing, chances are they are not going to be very successful. On the other hand, if one is determined to succeed and loves what they are doing, then they have a much better chance of getting the sale. This concept goes way beyond sales and can translate into any aspect of life.

One particular way to better our attitude, and I believe the most important, is our spiritual life. When you put God at the center of your life, other things in life can go wrong but you know that success or failure in that situation is not what defines you. When you begin to realize that your value in life is not based worldly things, your attitude tends to be better. In return, you begin to be more successful in whatever you are doing which could be sales.

3 thoughts on “Attitude in Sales”
  1. I totally agree. I have definitely experienced firsthand how a positive attitude produces success and a negative attitude causes you to mentally quit before you start. Finding a good balance is very important. Overconfidence can lead to arrogance, which can also lead to you losing the sale; a proper amount of confidence however, shows that you believe in your company, and will cause the client to believe in your company as well.

  2. You make an outstanding point with keeping God at the center of our lives. If we pursue God first, as we are called to do, we will do things that are pleasing to him. This can apply to sales in being honest with your prospect and having care for them. When we enter a sales situation we strive to be as honest with our client as possible and help them as well as we can. In treating the prospect with this respect, it is not only a good look on you but also on your character of caring for others. Believe it or not, the Golden Rule does apply, even in sales.

  3. I think that having a positive and confident attitude during a sales conversation can be key to the successfulness of a sale. If you are cocky and rushing the customer, they are likely to not buy. If you are honest and humble, they are more likely to buy from you.

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