Sales should never be about deceiving customers. Ever since people started selling, sales has been characterized by the salesman tricking customers into buying things that they do not need or want. A great example of this is the character of the snake oil salesmen, tricking customers into buying a useless mystery liquid, convincing them that it would cure many illnesses.

This is not the correct way to do sales in our day and age. Customers now know more than ever before because of the internet. With just a few clicks customers can know almost as much as the salesman. Because of this dishonesty should not have a place in sales anymore. Instead of sales, as in everything, honesty is the best policy.

A much better sales strategy is attunement. Attunement is making sure that you align your thoughts and actions with that of the customer. It involves seeing the world through the same lens as the customer. Dishonesty will make the customer mad and disinterested, but attunement will do the opposite. Attunement encourages the customer to listen and keeps their attention much better than the old way of sales. Attunement can be tougher in some cases, but it is much more rewarding. It will draw in customers, and keep them. At the end of the day, attunement is by far the best sales strategy, especially in the age of information symmetry.

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