Put yourself in their shoes. You may have had people say this to you before but little did you know this can be a powerful tool in sales. Many people have a bad connotation when they think of sales people so sometimes being in their shoes can help you want to change how they view people like you. When you put yourself in their shoes you suddenly become more aware how you might come across to the other person. This allows you to sometimes take a more gentle approach when selling to the person and also understand where some of their concerns comes from.

A way you can do this is by doing the E test  as described in Pink’s book “To Sell is Human”. By doing the E test it allows you to see if you are drawing the for you to read or for your buyer to read. Once you determine this you can change your approach. Sometimes when you think about being in their shoes you might say things that you know you would want to hear to reassure them about something.

Doing unto others as you would have them do unto you is something we should all keep in mind when selling. If you would not want to be sold to in a certain way then you need to make sure you do not do it to them too. The Bible teaches us the Golden Rule and even in sales it applies and is important to keep in mind.

One thought on “Attunement and Sales”
  1. I like how you said to put yourself in the potential customers shoes. I feel as if people can get so caught up in closing a sale, they forget that people are humans too and need to be treated as a person, rather than just money.

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