An interesting article I read this week by Bill Rice outlines some good advice for salespeople. The article includes some bad habits that salespeople tend to slip into which hurt overall sales performances in the long run. A few examples of bad habits include: saying “yes” to anything and everything, overselling, talking over the client, ignoring the relationship with the client, and telling instead of asking.

In response, the author presents some tips about how best to approach a sale and close the deal. One of the key bits of advice is to offer the customer multiple options to solve their needs. Offering advice for the best product for them is key, but presenting them with the benefits and drawbacks of several products gives the customer specific things to think about and increases their likelihood of finding a product they are happy with. Following up patiently is another key detail. By following up with the customer, you show that you value their business, but doing so patiently prevents the customer from feeling like they are being pressured into the sale. Like one of the strategies discussed in class, the author mentions that providing too much information causes the customer to become disinterested. Only providing information that is relevant to the specific concerns of the customer will prevent a disconnect with them. Another vital point that is really important is to ask the customer questions. Quickly discover their needs by asking open-ended questions and determine the best solution to their problem, even if it doesn’t end in a sale. This way, the customer trusts your judgement and is more likely to consult you in the future.

These few sales tips are great ways to immediately establish a good relationship with your customers and make closing the sale much easier.

2 thoughts on “Bad Sales Tactics”
  1. This is a great summary of the stuff that we have talked about recently in class and how important it is to be focused on the customer rather than on the sell. Asking open ended question is very important and allows the seller to be able to zero in on what the potential buyer actually wants. I think your best point is that the seller should offer multiple options to the customer and show them the benefits and drawbacks of each one so that they can make their own educated decision that THEY will be happy with — not just the seller.

    Great work here, and I hope you have a great rest of your day!


  2. I think this is great summary of our recent learnings in class. I think it definitely shows how important it is to ask open ended questions early on that will get the customer talking. From those open ended questions it allows us to listen and learn and ask more focused questions later on.

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