This past week we had a I had to listen to a guest speaker and I learned so much in just fifty minutes. We discussed different ways to be an effective seller of almost anything. The techniques we were taught could be applied to many different things that you are either trying to convince someone of or even trying to get them to buy something. One of the biggest points that stuck out to me and that is what I would argue is the most beneficial is listening. It may sound quite obvious but yet it is a tool I feel like many do not always use, myself included.

It might sound silly but listening could be the difference of being a top seller and going home without selling anything. Listening is an extremely powerful took and one that we all should implement more in not just selling but in other aspects of our lives. By not talking as much and listening to whom you are speaking to you, it allows that person to open up a bit more and get across what they need. Sometimes also leaving a bit of silence encourages the other person to dig a little deeper so to speak and tell you more of what they need. The other important part of listening is being intentional with your listening and try and find their pain. When you are able to find their pain then that opens a whole door of possible ways that you can help them and make recommendations. Listening and finding that pain will allow you to be affective and also lets you come across to the speaker that you care about their needs.

Just by listening it will help you on your sales venture in whatever area it may be in. It helps you come across as not the pushy sales person but the one who actually cares about the needs and wants of their customers.

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