Knowing who you are selling to allows for the clearest transparency to be made during a sales conversation. If you go into a call and you are talking to the middleman of an organization it allows for a couple things to occur. 1. It allows for the individual you are selling to revert back to the response of “let me run back the numbers to my boss and see what he says” or “We’ll think it over”. Both of these expressions can be viewed as “maybe” but I have found in the past it often leads to no. I would much rather receive an upfront no than an individual leaving the conversation to an ongoing mystery. If you are talking to the direct individual who will be making the decision on a project, than you automatically eliminate the levels of navigation required to get an answer. 2. As an individual making the sale, it also allows for you to directly negotiate with the client.

2 thoughts on “Be Upfront”
  1. great post! there are going to be times where they say they need to check with someone else. Almost all the time, they lead to a no. Being upfront about what is going on will allow you to be able negotiate with the client.

  2. Clarity is very important in the sales process and being upfront is a great way to do that! The importance of being on the same page as your client can’t be overlooked and all their questions are answered. Great post!

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