All my life, people have told me that I’m a crazy extrovert.  I love people, I love functions, and I especially love strangers.  I’m not afraid of meeting people; in fact, I thrive in situations where I know absolutely no one.  All of these things would point to me being an extrovert.  However, I’ve always known that I’m truly more introverted than extroverted – I gain my energy from being alone, and if I spend too much time with other people then I start to burn out.  I need my alone-time; without it, I go crazy.

Until I took this class, I had coined my condition a kind of “social introversion.”  At the core of it, I’m not an extrovert, I’m just an extroverted introvert.  However, what I actually am is an Ambivert, a special medium between the two.  I think I’m probably the most extreme ambivert I’ve ever met – for how much I love social situations, I love being alone in just the same way. For how much I may lean to one side, I lean just as much the other way.  In other words, I am in the extreme middle.  My ambiversion would give me a natural inclination toward sales, but I just think that it gives me a natural love for conversation with all kinds of people.  My ambiversion may be my favorite quality about myself.

2 thoughts on “Being a Social Introvert”
  1. I absolutely love your post! I am in the same boat as you, I always thought I was just a social introvert but knowing I am an ambivert has helped. It is encouraging to know that me being an ambivert almost gives me a one up in the sales field.

  2. I’m happy that you have gotten to really find out this part of yourself during this class! It is always so reassuring when there is something that has never been explained, finally be clear and allows you to know that there is something that describes how you truly are.

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