Over the course of the semester, we have been taught a lot of different things in the art of sales. All of the tricks of the trade from not spilling your candy to not painting seagulls in our customers picture; all of these are very important to know how to do. However one of the last things we learned is to be able to improvise during a sales conversation. This is a skill that needs to be practiced like anything else you do. Many people assume improvisation is a very quick minded thinking– which in all fairness, is a somewhat true statement; however, that does not mean you can not take a second to collect your thoughts and breath.

When a customer is talking with you and answering the questions you are proposing, they may respond with a question of their own. You do not need to give an immediate answer the second after you are asked a difficult question. Take a second and just breath. Being slow to speak in these moments is a skill in and of itself. You may feel rushed to give an answer but if you pause and collect some of your thoughts, then you will be able to respond with a more authoritative response or ask another question that will drawl you closer to understanding your customers true problem or provide them with a proper solution.

So do not be afraid of the difficult questions that you are asked as a salesperson. Do not get flustered when a customer begins to put you on your heels or says something that may confuse you. Ask clarifying questions and make sure you completely understand what they are saying. If this means that you need a second to formulate a response: that is a good thing. It is better to be slow to respond and to respond properly than to speak quickly and say something foolish.

One thought on “Being Slow to Speak.”
  1. This is very good advice, its something that is easy to say but harder to do. it harder because there is a certain level of stress in a meeting like that so its easy to let your guard down and not be as accurate as you would like to be. This is why taking a step back take a breath is very good advice.

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