Many years ago, I was at the mall with my mom and we walked past a kiosk with facial products and lotions.  My mom briefly paused to look at something and the salesman immediately stated talking to us.  He started explaining all his products and sampling them on us.  He gave sample after sample and every time my mom said we needed to go he would ask to just show us one more quick product.  He never asked us questions to find out what we were looking for or what we really needed.  He seemed to be convinced that if he showed us enough products then eventually he would get to one we wanted.  For all he knew we could have had sever allergies to some of the products.  Every time he begged to show us another product he made us want to leave even more and made us less likely to buy something even if we did see something we wanted.  He also made weird and uncomfortable comments about how my mom looked so young and looked like she could be my sister.  He kept us for about 10 minutes which feels like an eternity at a mall kiosk that you’re trying to get away from.  When we finally got away, we had no desire to ever go back to buy a product even if it was something we really wanted.  Something to learn from this salesman is to ask questions and listen, and don’t try to talk about yourself if a prospect wants to leave.

One thought on “Beware the Mall Kiosk”
  1. This is an excellent example of a major fumble in sales. The salesperson did not know how to shut up and listen to the needs of a potential buyer. Hopefully, this salesperson has either learned from this or left the industry of direct sales. We all can gain knowledge and second hand experience from situations such as this one. What not to do examples are equally as helpful in my opinion since we realize the outcomes of fumbles like this.

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