During the sample sales scenario in class, we learned what to do and more importantly what not to do.  Just with any type of experience, you will most like make some mistakes early on and learn from them. I made a huge and pretty common sales mistake, assuming.  Every lesson and book will tell you not to assume anything about your prospect but when I get into the heat of a sale I wasn’t thinking about those lessons and made the error.  Looking back on it, I fell into making an assumption because I was a bit nervous and not very experienced in a traditional sales situation.  I understand that with more experience in that position, I will become more comfortable and relaxed and I will be able to think and make better decisions.  I also believe that a lesson learned through actual experience will stick with me better than a lesson on a power-point slide.  What I learned from this experience is that assumptions make me as the salesman look bad in two ways.  First I assumed wrong so I looked uneducated and naive.  Second I came across as a bit arrogant because I just thought I knew specific details about the prospect without even asking.  Both of these are characteristics that will push clients away from me and my business.  This was definitely a learning experience for me and hopefully I don’t make the same mistake in the future during an actual sale.

One thought on “Big Mistake”
  1. The first step to learning is realizing and I think it is safe to assume that you will not make the same mistake again. I think that the situation in class was a good sample for us to try and use the stuff from class but also see that we still could mess up. I think your article is good.

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