The biggest sales tip that I have ever had was to always try and create a relationship with the potential client. This way they always feel like they are dealing with a friend instead of a stranger so that way they are more likely to want to make a deal with you and do not feel as if they are just giving money away to a stranger. This tool is best put into action in a semi-famous clip from the hit show, The Office. The boss, Michael Scott, is tasked with a big meeting with a new client. They decide to meet at Chili’s to discuss the details of the agreement. He takes his time and instead decides to find out more about the potential client through such means as ordering ribs and having margaritas. Eventually, through bonding conversation, he finds that the main pain with the client is price and is able to negotiate a good price for both his company and the client’s. In fact, I just had an epiphany myself about my internship last summer. I was very motivated to learn the language that the company gave us for our meetings, but did not really understand the motivation about why that language was chosen. I did not realize that the whole point behind it was to find the pain of the customer and work from there. Instead, my potential clients were left with a lot of questions and doubt as to why they would do business with me. I didn’t try to find the pain, I just tried to establish the relationship and read the language off a piece of paper. Overall, I would say that in the end, the biggest sales tip I have ever gotten was to establish a relationship with the customer and go from there.

One thought on “Big Sales Tip”
  1. This episode is one of my favorite episodes from the office. It was not until after this class that I realized Micheal Scott was actually using a good sales technique to get the business. Micheal built a strong base with the client before jumping into the sale negotiation, and the entire time he knew that he was getting a relationship with the client first.

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