The ‘On Cloud’ experience. The first time I ever saw someone wearing the Switzerland made shoe was when I went golfing with a couple friends from church one weekend. I noticed the shoe was a different brand then I had ever seen before so I asked him about it. Right away he told me how they are the most comfortable in the world and by far the best shoe he has ever purchased. I was intrigued and continued to study the shoe and this guy kept selling me on the idea that these shoes were just the best. I shouldn’t have been surprised though, this guy was a lifelong cars salesman. Regardless, I took his word for it and even researched the shoe some more after I got home from golfing that afternoon. He had me hooked, until I looked at the price tag. As a 17 year old I did not want to go spend $150+ on a brand new pair of shoes just because a buddy of mine said they were comfortable, so I kind of dropped the idea of getting the shoes until a few weeks later. I was at the beach and was in need of new sneakers before the school year started and I walked into a store with my parents and saw these shoes. Immediately I was reminded of the strong words spoken by my friend and new I had to try the shoes out. As soon as I tied them up and walked around with them I understood why he thought they were such a good shoe, they were very comfortable. I then saw that the shoes were on sale and I knew that my parents would be spending their money on the shoes and not me. That was when I was sold on the shoe and pleaded my parents to get me a pair, and they did. Since then I have boughten another pair and I do agree that they are probably the most comfortable shoe that I have ever owned. I wear the shoes multiple times a week and am a strong believer and advocate for the shoes.

One thought on “Blog Post #1 “On Cloud””
  1. It is interesting to hear your thought process throughout your decision to buy the shoes or not. Without the encouraging words about the shoes from your friend, I’m sure your decision would have been prolonged or maybe not happen at all. Due to the higher price, your process of validation that the shoes were worthwhile was meticulous and thorough. Then when the time came that you could try them on, you were able to put your own sales skills into practice from what the former car salesman told you about them in order to get your parents to buy them for you. This experience goes to show that sales does not have to be aggressive or up front, but convincing sales is all about genuinely helping others and being knowledgeable about what you are selling.

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