The 3 sales myths piqued my interest in class. I have assumed each of the three of salespeople in the past. The first is the myth of the blockhead, which is defined as an incompetent salesperson. The idea that it “doesn’t take a genius to sell” is also correlated. I’ve seen this in movies and shows where the salesperson makes dumb mistakes, has trouble seeing the client as a person and interacting with them as such, and when the only thing they seem to do well is close the occasional sale. The second myth is that of the moneygrubber or the greedy salesman. Lots of media depict salespeople as moneygrubbers, sleazy, slimy individuals who try to manipulate and persuade people to buy things they may or may not even want. When I look back at my thoughts about sales before I started this class, I definitely thought that sales was always a greedy business. The third myth is the myth of the natural. “Natural-born salespeople” don’t necessarily exist. A person can possess traits often seen in successful salespeople. But success in sales comes from hard work and lots of failure and rejection. 

One thought on “Discussing the Three Common Sales Myths”
  1. I am glad that your view of salespeople was changed by you learning about these myths. The media needs to do a better job at portraying salespeople so people will be more comfortable and open to talking to them.

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