Being an entrepreneur can be more than selling, making a business or any type of entrepreneuring. Being an entrepreneur is about building relationships, listening to your customers, and creating something to make people’s lives better. In another of my classes, we have been focusing on redemptive business practices and how to move your business strategy from an exploitative monetary-focused company to a human-focused relationship-building business. Our entrepreneurship opportunities and selling strategies should be focused on the humans we’re serving. I think often people get caught up with being so focused on the selling part of entrepreneurship and not enough on the people part of entrepreneurship. The people who are more focused on the sale and not who they’re selling to don’t find the same success as the people who genuinely care about their customers problem.

Pink talks about this in Attunement. Being able to be even with your customer and leveling the power struggle by treating them as an equal human being can actually increase your power to make a sale.

By arnosal

2 thoughts on “Blog Post #6”
  1. You make a good point. We should treat customers more like people and as equals. I think you could have said a little more at the end about what Pink says.

  2. The perspective on entrepreneurship emphasizing relationship-building over mere sales resonates deeply with me. The concept of shifting from a profit-centric to a people-centric approach is enlightening and aligns with my personal values. Recognizing each customer as an individual with unique needs and challenges has always been my approach. It’s not just about the transaction; it’s about making a positive impact and truly caring.

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