When it comes to communication, there is much more than just the exchanging of words. There is body language, so things such as hand movements, eye contact, etc. and there are nonverbal cues, such as the tone in your voice, posture, and more. These communication skills show people what your real emotions and thoughts are, and when it comes to selling, the more genuinely positive you are, the more the customers will see that and have a higher chance of buying your product or service. Knowing these cues are key to having a positive selling experience for both you and the customer.

When first meeting a customer, first impressions are everything. When you have open and good posture, it will show people that you are interested and want to help. Then a firm handshake, which is hard during these COVID-19 times, will also be important, showing professionalism. While speaking with a customer, eye contact is important. Finally, avoid touching your face, it may give the impression that you are anxious, and usually people put negative associations with anxiety, especially if you are trying to sell them a product.

Some cues that show people are not interested and anxious are when their arms are crossed in front of themselves, very little eye contact, and when they are turned away from you. If you start noticing these cues, then try to switch things up or ask how you can better help the customer. When somebody is bored, they will typically have poor posture, focus on something else, or start to fidget with something. When this happens, try to be more excited when you speak, because excitement is usually a contagious act that can help immensely with the sales process; if the seller is excited, the buyer usually will be as well.


3 thoughts on “Body Language and Nonverbal Cues”
  1. Body language is immensely important! We can do everything perfectly from the verbal side, but if we don’t fulfill a certain norm that will make our prospects feel at ease with our body language it is all for naught. It is definitely something we should always be conscious of and always considering how we can best relate to them and make them feel comfortable with how we hold ourselves and engage with them in our boyd language. Good stuff!

  2. Body language is a very important factor in selling. Body language alone can tell how confident you are in the product and yourself. If you are not confident, the buyer will not feel confident in trusting you or the product you are selling.

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