When I hear the term body language, my mind automatically thinks of the story Little Mermaid. For those who don’t know, Ariel, the King of the sea worlds daughter, ends up trading her voice in turn for human legs to be able to win over the prince. The one making the trade is Ursula. In her song poor unfortunate souls, she sings, “And don’t underestimate the importance of body language.”


In Sweet’s class we touched on the importance of body language specifically during interviews. We’ve talked about how to make someone feel comfortable and how to make ourselves personable and trustworthy. It is crazy how much someone can say through just how they position themselves. We also touched on mirroring which is a technique that law enforcement uses during interrogations that are designed to draw out the truth. As Christians, we should use our bodies in a way that glorifies God in everything that we do. Whether that means taking a step back and letting someone else do things their way, or taking charge and spreading Christ’s love through your leadership. Selling can be a humbling and submitting experience as well as a affirming and encouraging one.

So all in all, Ursula was right. Body language matters a lot, whether it be in deals, interviews, and even everyday life.


5 thoughts on “Body Language can be more important than what you are saying”
  1. Wow, I love how you thought of Ursula when we were talking about body language! It’s true that even in everyday life, body language conveys a lot of how we’re feeling, and others can pick up on it too. Just saying the right thing with the wrong body language can show that you don’t really mean what you say, so being aware of how you’re coming across as well as what you’re saying is equally important. Great post!

  2. I absolutely agree that body language is vital to show others that you are engaged, but it is also extremely important to yourself. If you sit up straight and lean forward, not only do you look like you are more engaged, but you will actually begin to be. I think that it is cool that your mind jumped to Ursula when talking about body language because it is able to show a different type of body language that is not normally though of.

  3. I had never thought of this example! You are so right though. Body language is something few people think about. Generally we go around thinking that people do not notice little things like body language. The fact of the matter is though that people play off of the other person’s body language and vibe. Even if they do not realize they are doing it. Body language is for sure something that we all need to be more conscious of, especially in the sales setting.

  4. This makes me think of how in Spiderman, Spiderman has to show all of his emotion through his body language. Using our body language can be so important for so many different things. Personally, I find it fascinating to try and understand other people’s body language.

  5. Agreed, Karis! Body language is incredibly important in a sales situation. It is amazing how much information humans convey to each other through body language alone!

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