Building Rapport

I have now heard from many people the importance of bonding and rapport when meeting clients. Put simply, rapport is a connection with someone and building rapport is developing that connection with them. Rapport is how most friendships start, you find a connection with someone and then build and develop that friendship. Rapport can be used in personal and professional lives as well. In terms of sales, you should start off with bonding and rapport.

3 Ways to Build Rapport

  • Be yourself – Pretending to be someone else is not the way to hit it off with a client. If they find out that you have lied to them or told them something false then you ruined the sale. It is important to be yourself and build a natural relationship with your client before taking the next step in the sales process.
  • Show Real Interest – People in today’s day and age exercise and act for their own well being, better put, people are selfish. When learning about your prospect it is important to be paying attention and showing interest in them and what they have to say. Buyers want to feel like they have an opportunity to match you and your thoughts and problems. They want to be listened to and heard, it is perilous to show interest and active listening when discussing with a prospect.
  • Find Common Ground – People like to connect and talk to those who are similar to them. You more you can discover and connect with them about the greater your ability to build rapport. Try to make a connection off of something said and show legitimate interest in what they have to say.

If you are curious on ways to spark a conversation to build rapport try any of these starters:

  • How was your weekend? Did you do anything interesting?
  • It was great to hear the short version of your background at the meeting but tell me a little bit more about yourself.
  • I have to say, I really like your (insert something you genuinely liked and start a conversation off of it).
  • Where are you from?

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