Apparently there was a big boxing match over the weekend between Floyd Mayweather and Manny Pacquio. There was huge coverage of the event, most of which was seen over social media. Normally I am not into boxing, but somehow this fight blew up into something that everyone was supposed to spend their Saturday night watching. Some friends and I sat down to watch the fight and  immediately realized you had to have hbo or pay around 90 dollars to see the fight pay per view. We obviously did not have the money to pay for this and we went off and did other things.

This got me thinking about how the boxers were able to attract so much media attention to just one night. Both of the fighters are legends and well known but it seems to me that there should have been much more needed to sell such an expensive fight. Does anyone know more about the fight or have any comments on how they were able to sell this event and make it become such a huge deal that generated millions of dollars?

By Funyak

3 thoughts on “Boxing Pain”
  1. Joshua, I don’t know much about boxing but it was quite a stretch to relate this event to the class. You did a good job! I know its all about the NAMEs in the fight.

  2. They must of had such great PR for this event because everyone new about it! I went to Primanti Brothers with some people just to try to watch the fight on the big screen. I am not really sure how they sold this event to the public and generated so much revenue from it, but whatever they did obviously it worked!

  3. Yes, great question Josh! I think a large part of it comes from the fact that they are both veteran fighters, with incredible records! Mayweather is an incredible marketer of his own skills and abilities, and so sells the fights extremely well by telling everyone what he is going to do before his opponent, and as he is undefeated in 49 fights, he has clearly shown that he can walk as well as talk!

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