When discussing a potential sale with a prospective client, it is important to discuss budget later on in the sales conversation. Finance and budgeting are important aspects of what a potential client thinks about when they are thinking about buying or investing a potential product that they are trying to purchase or implement for either themselves or for their business. They have to make sure that they will have a good return on investment and that the thing they are being sold fits within their budget. As a salesperson, asking the potential client about this will help you along in the sales process. Budgeting is one of the parts of the Sandler Submarine that we talked about in class, and a very key part of the sales process when discussing with a potential client. Understanding the budget that a client has can help make your job as a sales person much easier, because then you can make recommendations based on their budget, or try to negotiate a better price for you or them based on the budget that the client gave you that they are working with. This is very important in a sales conversation for budgeting and getting along in the sales conversation to try and close a deal…knowing what to do with a client when they give you a certain budget that they were told or what to work with is crucial in having a smooth and easy sales process. Since I am going into a sales associate role, it is important that I realize how to discuss budget with clients, especially in a financial setting where clients have to invest a certain amount of assets with the company in order to be onboarded as a client. Just absolutely crucial when trying to be a successful sales person.


One thought on “Budget”
  1. You definitely touched on a lot of keys with budgeting in this post. It’s so important to earn the right to talk about budget and see it is as an a delicate subject so that you don’t impose any of your preconceived notions on the prospect.

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