For professionals who work and thrive in industries that have long sales cycles, creating a long-lasting client relationship is important for a business to be sustainable. strengthening your relationships with your clients can turn them from customers to loyal customers, and also use it as a word-of-mouth advertising strategy to increase your account. it is a smart investment to commit to a relationship with your clients, here are a few tips for truly connecting with your clients to turn them into loyal customers.

1. Communication is the key

Your clients need to be up to date with what’s going on at all times, tell your clients as much and as regularly as you can. When something comes up or something changes, reach out and update them about what is going on, what their options are and what you recommend they should do.

2. tell the truth

Sometimes you couldn’t deliver on what you promise in the sales pitch, stuff happens and it is out of your control. In this situation, you need to be upfront about any challenges you hit along the road. It’s better to be honest and let your client know than risk delaying the bad news. Once the client finds out you have hidden things from them, trust will be broken and it is hard to gain it back.

3. reward your loyal customers 

once your customers become repeat clients or refer you to others, make sure to thank them. In China, it is a common courtesy to take your loyal clients out to dinner and buy them a gift. but even a handwritten note, a thoughtful gift, could let your client know you really care about them.


Investing in a long last relationship with your client not only turns them into repeat customers but also brings in more clients by them referring you. It is very important to learn the strategy of establishing a relationship with your client.

By duzx20

2 thoughts on “Building Long-Term Relationships in Sales”
  1. This is a great post. I could not agree more that so much success and fulfillment come from creating strong and lasting ties in sales. This is why networking is so crucial in the business world. The more people you know and have helped, the more resources you have in the future. A mutually caring pairing in this realm holds so much more value than a quick deal made with an ill-informed client.

  2. This is a really solid list of pointers for building relationships with prospects. My personal favorite of the three is number one. All in all I think sales is much more relational than it’s typically give credit for. Good info!

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