Building trust with people that you’re selling to is one of the most important, if not the most important aspect of selling. If your clients can trust you, it makes selling to them much easier. There is a massive lack of trust in a sales transaction. As a buyer, you don’t know if you should trust the seller trying to sell to you because he may be trying to rip you off, and a as a seller, you don’t know if you can trust the buyer to be honest about their budget for trying to buy an item off of you. After working with clients and selling them and building up trust with them, it makes selling as a salesperson much easier and helps streamline the sales process. We as sellers coming out of school need to make it a priority to build up trust and rapport with the people that we’re selling to.

One thought on “Building Trust”
  1. Great post Philip! I totally agree, building trust is so crucial when dealing with customers. If the customers can trust you, then it makes the interaction with them just that much easier. As we are about to graduate college and enter into the business world, building trust is something that is always crucial.

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