Buoyancy is the ability to bounce back after a difficult situation. I have shown buoyancy in a small way while helping a friend sell. My friend was selling items for school and I was trying to help her so I went up another friend of mine and told him about the product and what it was all about. At first he said no right away because he was “broke”  and asked me more questions about the product. With the instant rejection and not knowing what to do I said okay no worries and walked away. My friend who I was helping sell told me to ask again, so I went over and asked him questions about himself and told him more about the product. This time, he was super interested in the product and he liked the price and actually wanted to buy it.

This shows why you should never give up after a hard situation. The first time I didn’t use the 3 elements of Buoyancy, the 3rd time I interacted self-talk, had positivity ratios and I used the explanatory style. I used positive self talk and I said to my self that “I could do it.” This goes to show that it is really important to have faith in yourself as a salesperson, and if all things don’t go well, that’s okay.

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