The ABC’s of Selling: attunement, buoyancy and clarity. Pink claims that we need these three things to survive the new age of sales. What I want to focus on is buoyancy. Buoyancy is the ability to stay positive despite a slew of rejection. Not only is this necessary to be successful in sales, it can also help your personal life! Buoyancy, like attunement, includes three different elements.

Before the Sale: Interrogative Self-Talk

Oftentimes, the most difficult part of the sale is the beginning. Instilling enough self- confidence in yourself to lace up your shoes, walk out the door, approach the client, and make the sale. So, what should you do before the sale? Most people state that you should participate in positive or declarative self-talk: “I can do this!” or “I am the best salesperson out there!” However, Pink says  that you should use interrogative self-talk. An example of this is, “Will I be successful?” Interrogative self-talk asks a question and elicits an answer, which makes the person think through how they will achieve their goal. It helps them come up with strategies for success. So before engaging with your next client, think of yourself positively and also ask the question, “Will I make this sale?” You may be surprised at the results.

During the Sale: Positivity Ratios

Positivity is key during the sale. This is the second component to buoyancy. It is important to convey positivity as it is often infectious. Pink states, it makes the client, “less adversarial, more open to possibility, and perhaps willing to reach an agreement in which both parties benefit.” In addition, you must truly believe in what you are selling, as customers can see through fake positivity. Using an optimistic and cheerful manner will help you be more successful during the sale.

After the Sale: Explanatory Style

Explanatory style is a form of self-talk that occurs after the event. It can be either positive or negative. It is imperative that after the sale, you use positive explanatory talk. In Pink’s book, a study of new salespeople found that those with a positive explanatory style saw rejections as temporary rather than permanent, specific rather than universal, and external rather than personal. As a result, they were more successful in sales and stayed at their jobs much longer.

Buoyancy and Your Sales Career

In a world full of rejection, buoyancy is imperative to sales. The ability to stay positive despite failure will help ensure your success. Before the sale, participate in interrogative self-talk. During the sale, make sure to stay positive and afterwards, use optimistic explanatory self-talk. The ABC’s of selling: attunement, buoyancy and clarity. By utilizing this technique, you will be able to improve your sales process and ensure better success in your career!

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