In class we discussed Pink’s chapter on buoyancy and staying positive when you face rejection during your sales opportunities. Buoyancy is about preparing yourself for rejection and negativity. Positivity ratios is important to buoyancy. You need to be able to embrace the ‘Nos’ in order to learn how to be a better salesperson. That being said here are 9 ways to stay positive in sales from (so if you do the 3:1 positivity golden ratio, you will need to find 3 ways to embrace the negativity).

We all want to be winners and the best salesperson so I found an article by Nima Mogharei at has an article called “How to Own it, Crush it, and Stay Motivated in Sales.

  1. Figure out what motivates you

Figuring out what motivates you to action will help you challenge yourself and identify the goals you need to set for success

  1. Write down your daily, monthly, and yearly goals

Be SMART with your goals- Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Timely. This 5 aspects are important for setting goals that you can and will complete.

  1. Follow a process that works for you

Some great advice I got from my youth leader as a high school student was don’t put yourself in a box you don’t fit in. That box is either going to suffocate you or it will be so big you’ll feel lost. Find out where you can use the talents God has given you in a way that will bring glory to him and a place that si going to be a good fit for you.

  1. Share your battle wounds with friends

Use your friends as sounding boards for growth opportunities and to hold you accountable as you set goals for your personal and professional life.

  1. Be optimistic
  2. Make a plan but, only stick to it if it works

This is sort of like Number 3. If your plan doesn’t work with you or how you process then alter the plan. You’ll only get frustrated if you keep failing.

  1. Have a life outside of sales

Don’t get so caught up in work that you lose the relationships that are important to you. You never when something will break and you need to rely on those relationships for support. Also, enjoy yourself. We are only here on earth for a short time, be evangelists, go to the theme park, get dessert after meals, live life to the fullest!

  1. Be a coach

Find a younger person who needs a mentor. This is will help them grow but it will also challenge you to grow as well. Besides being a mentor to someone is incredibly fulfilling and it creates strong bonds that last for years.

And lastly:

  1. Don’t be afraid to be GREAT!

Have confidence in your skills. Let nothing hold you back. Go for Gold. I believe in You.

One thought on “Buoyancy in Sales Part 1”
  1. I love this concept of buoyancy and what it stands for. Trying to find a way to stay up and keep moving forward in the sales process no matter what obstacles come your way.

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