Buoyancy is how we are able to stay afloat in a ocean of rejection.  As a salesperson, you need to be able to bounce back after getting rejected.  There are many things that you can do on a personal level to try and make rejection easier to deal with.  The three elements of buoyancy are 1. Interrogative self-talk 2. Positivity ratios, and 3. Explanatory style.

  1. Interrogative self-talk:

Interrogative self-talk is more effective because questions set us up to pursue real answers.  They can inspire us to look for motivations and reasons within, leading to real action.  To be able to motivate yourself, you have to “sell yourself”.  The only issue with self-talk is that it can come off as disingenuous.  It may seem like you are trying to talk yourself into a bad situation.  Don’t be alarmed because you are not doing so, you are simply selling yourself, and getting motivation from within.


2. Positivity ratios:

These are beneficial effects of positive emotions during the sales process.  This is when demonstrating belief in the product you are selling can help build trust between you and the person you ae selling to.  This belief will help positively match a need to a solution.  This means that you should be confident and forward-looking when selling.  The golden ratio of positivity is as follows:

ratio of 1:1, 2:1 –> people languish

ratio of 3:1 –> people flourish

ration > 11:1 –> self-delusion suffocates self-improvement


3. Explanatory style:

An important thing to remember is that how you debrief negative experiences can impact future sales success. Try to be a positive thinker, and think of experiences as temporary, and external.  Those with an optimistic style sold 37% more than those who were pessimists.  Rejection is not the end of the world it is simply just temporary, specific, and external.  The main point is to be optimistic and don’t take rejection to heart because it does not hurt you.




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