Something that Prof. Sweet brought up in our last class is buyers remorse. I’ve always thought that buyers remorse what purely on the buyer. This however is not the case, buyers remorse is almost more on the shoulders of the salesman than it is on the buyer. The fact of the matter is that the salesman is responsible to make sure that the product is something that the customer will be happy with. In order to ensure the customers satisfaction, the salesman needs to make sure that the customer is well informed and knowledgeable of any key details about the product so that there are no surprises. This is key for a salesman’s success as even if a sale is made the customer can, in many cases, return the product and potentially spread the word of the negative experience that they had with your company. Needless to say, make sure that you are asking the right questions to make sure that the product will be a good fit for the customers and avoid buyers remorse.

2 thoughts on “Buyers Remorse”
  1. I agree that a lot of it does play into the salespersons hands. The goal of a sale is to not only make the sale but make sure they might the right decision so they can buy more later on or recommend the product. You dont want to sell a bunch of product to people who really dont want them.

  2. Buyer’s remorse can even cause a customer to return the product or back out of a deal made. This is why it is important to be completely transparent with your customers, so that a sale made today is not a return tomorrow. Another way to prevent buyer’s remorse is allowing the customer to feel comfortable saying no to the sales offer. In the end, if they don’t feel that they made the decision on their own, then they will feel some sort of regret after buying.

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