A couple of years ago I was looking for a new pair of dress shoes. I needed a good looking pair of black leather shoes to wear for formal occasions and concerts and such. I knew I would be using them a lot because I am in a bunch of musical groups that need all black or mostly black outfits for performances. I also knew they had to be really comfortable to walk around in and be on my feet for a long time because sometimes I would wear them for hours on end and not even sit down.

So I was looking in a variety of stores but I wasn’t finding the right look for shoes that I wanted just looking myself so I went to a store that I knew had great customer service even though their shoes might be a little more expensive. So I went in with my mom, because she wanted to help out, and was talking about what thing I needed and the way that I wanted them to be. The salesman was being really helpful and not in a bad way. He would bring out what I liked and would often bring out others to see if I may be interested. He also was talking to me about my life and what I would be using them for and a lot of other things. I became fairly comfortable with the guy especially because he ended up knowing some people that my brother was friends with in high school.

Eventually he brought out the shoes that he wore. He really hyped them up without making it seem like that to me saying that he wears them every day and his feet never get hot or sore. I liked the simple look of them and I really thought they would be the best ones for comfort even if they weren’t the exact look I was going for. I decided that they were the best ones even though my mom thought I should keep looking and I got them. I really liked them for a while but then I started thinking maybe they weren’t the best for me personally. This got me thinking about how good the salesman was. He really used great selling technique and I had no idea that he was doing it. He really funneled me in and ended up getting me to make the sale.

3 thoughts on “Buying Dress Shoes”
  1. I’m always amazed at how quickly you can become entirely comfortable, or extremely uncomfortable in a store. This salesman did a great job, making it personal 98% of the time will help make a sale, and generally a return customer.

  2. It is hard as a salesperson to truly know the outcome of a pair of shoes depending on the person. But I do agree that he probably was being genuine and trying to help you get the right shoes. Sorry they did not work out perfectly!

  3. I think that the salesman did a good job in selling to you by making it personal on his end. It is always easier to sell something when you have proof that it works. Now maybe those shoes just were right for you but his being able to show you how much he liked them really closed the deal.

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