Sell Me This PenI was preparing for a job interview taking place in the afternoon of the 24th of March. Having never been “seriously” interviewed for a job in my life, I was quite nervous. The weekend beforehand I had researched and compiled a list in Quizlet of all of the possible questions I might be asked and requested that my roommate go over them with me the night of the 23rd to be sure I was sharp on them. In my research, time and time again, I came across the question:

“Can you sell me this pen?”

Given I was not applying for a position in sales, I knew I probably wouldn’t get this one, but I made a flashcard anyway.

When it came time for my roommate and I to go over the flashcards, we found this to be the most challenging question in the bunch. I tried a few different answers, the only sales principle coming to mind being “sell benefits, not features,” but ultimately I came up blank. My roommate didn’t even know where to begin.

At that moment, I doubted any selling ability I thought I had. An article I read on – a blog space for a social club of sales professionals and entrepreneurs – entitled Best Answer to “Sell Me This Pen” I Have Ever Seen stated: “When you become good at answering this question, you actually become one hell of a salesperson.” After reading this question, I realized, anyone’s ability to answer this question just might be the benchmark of their ability to sell. I better learn how to answer it. I better get it right. Even if I don’t get asked this question on my interview tomorrow, my integrity depends on my ability to blow it out of the water.

Here is the answer Ian Adams – founder of the Senators Club – gives:

CEO: Do me a favor, sell me this pen. (reaches across to hand me the pen)

Me: (I slowly roll the pen between my index and thumb fingers.) When was the last time you used a pen?

CEO: This morning.

Me: Do you remember what kind of pen that was?

CEO: No.

Me: Do you remember why you were using it to write?

CEO: Yes. Signing a few new customer contracts.

Me: Well I’d say that’s the best use for a pen (we have a subtle laugh).

Wouldn’t you say signing those new customer contracts is an important event for the business? (nods head) Then shouldn’t it be treated like one. What I mean by that is, here you are signing new customer contracts, an important and memorable event. All while using a very unmemorable pen.

We grew up, our entire lives, using cheap BIC pens because they get the job done for grocery lists and directions. But we never gave it much thought to learn what’s best for more important events.

This is the pen for more important events. This is the tool you use to get deals done. Think of it as a symbol for taking your company to the next level. Because when you begin using the right tool, you are in a more productive state of mind, and you begin to sign more new customer contracts.

Actually. You know what? Just this week I shipped ten new boxes of these pens to Elon Musk’s office.

Unfortunately, this is my last pen today (reach across to hand pen back to CEO). So, I suggest you get this one. Try it out. If you’re not happy with it, I will personally come back next week to pick it up. And it won’t cost you a dime.

What do you say?

CEO: (picks jaw up off floor)  Yes.

Hopefully this spurs some thought on the matter. From what I’ve heard and read, the question is age-old, and still gets asked on a fairly regular basis. Good luck proving your sales skills if it ever comes your way, and read Mr. Adams article if you get a chance, for it provides some excellent coaching on the question. From my end, might I suggest Quizlet?

Disclaimer: I abandoned the series mentioned in my previous blog post: Sales: A Historical Perspective. Too boring.

One thought on “Can you sell me this pen?”
  1. This is amazing! He asks questions, listens, engages his audience, brings in an emotional story, and wraps it all up with a third-party “call to action” and personal service. If you can sell a pen back to its owner, I guess that truly is something. It also says a bit about the importance of symbols in our society – each person has their own type of symbol for success.

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