I read a great article on LinkedIn and wanted to share and share some of the thoughts that I had on the article: https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/challenge-being-christian-sales-person-victoria-johnson/

Victoria (the author of the article) says that being in sales is one of the best opportunities that we can have- she says that “we can bring light to a dark world” as salespeople. We have the wonderful opportunity if understanding people’s pain and struggles and helping them through the process; what a wonderful opportunity!

Victoria says that there are two main problems that Christian salespeople struggle with: the temptation to cut corners and cheat, and the temptation to pursue money above God. As someone who has worked in sales before, these are two temptations that I have struggled with and if I had a career in sales, I think that these could turn into major temptations.

Firstly, the temptation to cut corners is something that we as Christians will most likely face in our own sales team. You will undoubtedly work with people that are not Christians and have very different worldviews and moral structures than you: they may feel comfortable lying and deceiving customers for example to help them boost sales numbers. We may see them have success (even if it is wrong) by employing these tactics and may be tempted to “fit in” and try them ourselves.

Secondly, we as Christians have an interesting struggle that people who are unreligious may not have. While earning money is good and we need to do that to raise families and support ourselves, that should not be our primary goal for sales or working. This can be hard when in sales roles we have managers that are constantly pushing the A-B-C narrative upon us.

Victoria’s advice on how to deal with these issues is great: she says that we should never compromise our morality or ethics for the sale. We need to always remember that we are working for God and Him above all else. While our work to help others in the world is undoubtedly important, we need to serve God above all else and work to expand His kingdom above all.

By Asher

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