The Charachorder is a technological innovation designed to streamline typing to keep up with the speed of your thoughts.  Charachorder uses keys with five directional inputs per key.  Instead of the traditional keyboard with one-directional input per key, the Charachord allows for more efficient typing through three-dimensional input.  On top of a more efficient input method, the Charachord also utilizes a chord input method and an internal processor to analyze syllables entered through inputting multiple keystrokes at the same time.

Average QWERTY users type at 41 words per minute. Stenographers can hit upwards of 300 words per minute with chord-based inputs. The creators of Charachord claim users can type anywhere between 200 and 300 words per minute after a month of practice.

This innovation seems like a great idea for people who have to write on a time crunch but most people read at about 250 words per minute.  The ability to type faster than you can read seems like a great way to make mistakes.

One thought on “Charachorder”
  1. This is a very interesting idea, and I definitely agree that this would be a super cool way to be more efficient and be able to get more typing done faster. It has the ability to be super helpful, but you are right that it could potentially lead to errors if you get into the upper end of typing and can’t read as fast as you as tying. I’m interested to see how someone would go about selling this product and the points that they would bring up.

    Great post!

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